Ramadan 1442

4 min readApr 13, 2021
Credit: Pinterest

Today marks the 1st day of fasting month for us Muslims all over the world (if not the universe, hello Mars!), and in Islam, this month is called Ramadan. I am not mad (honest) that there are still a lot of people especially those who live in multicultural cities like London, still have the littlest idea about Ramadan. It is more annoying that mad, because it somehow shows how ignorant human beings can be. I would understand if you live in small cities where the populations are almost nothing, and religions other than Christian, is not a religion, per se. But if you’ve been living in metropolitan cities where people are from every place you could ever imagine, please stop embarrassing yourself and make you look like an idiot than you already are.

So, while we are at it, let us go through some main information and myth about Ramadan that I feel needed to be said, once and for all. If you have been reading “kepochi”, you’ll know that I like explaining things in layman’s terms, so we can all benefits from this, if not a lot, it is rewarding enough for me even if it is a liner. I will be honest with you, as I am writing this, I am learning too, about Ramadan, the same way I am sharing this information with you.

Ramadan is the ninth month in the Islamic calendar (There are also 12 months in the Islamic calendar if you want to know). Fasting during Ramadan is one of the five pillars in Islam. Now, straight to the famous question of “why do Muslims fast for one full month during Ramadan?”. I cannot put a reason or two, because honestly, there are a lot of benefits from fasting, but spiritually, it is simply to devote ourselves to Allah s.w.t during this holy month, and to be close to Him as possible, by asking for forgiveness and showing gratitude. Fasting also promises a spiritual healing by practice patience, hence refraining yourself from being angry, because we all know where anger lead us, either no where, or “not where you want to go”!

Fasting also helps resist “temptations” surrounding our daily life, for example no smoking during the day. Imagine not smoking for one month, will help to cover that hole in your pocket! Anything that lead you to being unproductive is temptations, so Ramadan also means being productive with yourself. Fasting also teaches us to have empathy with those who are less fortunate than us. The little things like being able to choose between a toast or cereal for breakfast, perhaps rice or noodles for dinner, seems normal to you and me, but there are families who can only afford one meal per day, and having any one of the four above, is a luxury.

Credit: Arab News

Then comes the “myth” or perhaps, confusions to non-Muslims about Ramadan. No, we cannot drink even water, at all, from sunrise to sunset. So before you asked, we do eat and we do drink once the sun set. The myth that we don’t eat and drink for 30 days, not true! With that, The same goes with smoking, nada tampoco! Fasting is a MUST to all able Muslims, but no one is perfect. There will be some small minority who simply does not fast, each to their own. However, “the rule” is simple, you missed it, you will have to “make up” for it. Say you are unwell, you are travelling (more than 80km), you are pregnant or if you are doing strenuous job (really hard work), you are exempted from fasting, but must make up for the missing days regardless.

As a Muslim and as a human being with flaws, I focus on better myself during each and every Ramadan. The tendency to always have bad thoughts, to always feeling ungrateful, to always feel not good enough, to always feel unnecessarily proud, are something that I will always work on myself, with or without Ramadan. But I believe, Ramadan is always a perfect month to start everything good, it especially being the holiest months.

Ultimately, I want to be very clear that there’s no such thing as repression just because we choose to fast for thirty days in Ramadan. Like almost every Muslim you know, I chose to (and must) do it, be it twenty hours or two hours. So please, feel free to eat, drink or smoke in front me, it is NOT A BIG DEAL, promise!

Well, there goes a simple one, as I do not believe anyone wants to know more than why or what, as the when is always known when it comes. I hope this helps a little bit, if not so much.

Credit: GV Wire

As for now, Ramadan Kareem to those celebrating.





I talk the way I write, I write the way I talk, I talk the way I walk, I walk the way I talk