Lowball salary

3 min readNov 30, 2020
Photo by Charles Deluvio on Unsplash

I recently came across an interesting post in LinkedIn regarding this matter. On top of that, I turned down a job interview because of it too.

I have been there, in the same position, in a company of a similar size, with the same pay offer, and I know for a fact that I was underpaid.

The argument is that, the employee is at fault for accepting the job especially when they knew about it beforehand, whereas the employer is only doing what’s best for the company, or is it? It is NOT.

A good candidate knows their worth. I turned down the invitation because I know the pay does not justify the responsibilities that I will be taking. I am not talking about a small (prospective) company. This is a company with offices in biggest cities in the world including New York and Barcelona. Just thinking about how I work my a** off in my last company, getting paid peanuts for doing it and the shitty treatment we received as the company’s employee, annoyed me to the core. When I tell you I have been in the same position, doing exactly the same job, getting paid the same as your offer right now, you have to know that I am not lying. I cannot made that up, especially knowing there will be people who will accept the job and get paid nothing for it.

I am not asking much. I am just asking to be appreciated, and get paid for what I deserved. A big company especially should know that their biggest assets are their workers, the loyal ones especially. I understand that under a different circumstances, I will probably go ahead and see what it has got to offer me. But this pains me the most, because its an act of desperation, and people will do anything when they’re desperate. As for the employer, unless you are really small, there’s no reason why a good candidate cannot get what they deserve, especially as mentioned, they’re your assets!

I am making a stand for myself, because this is not the first interview that I turned down due to the non-negotiable salary. I negotiate my salary because I know my worth, my peers know my worth and all my managers know my worth. It is a salary that matched the current market, so I am not asking for a crazy sum, just a sum that matched everyone in similar positions and experience offered out there.

And for the bonus point, no employee should need to ask for their increment, instead you should be giving them their pay raise, especially when your company is moving towards the right direction.

I understand, sometimes you just have to do what you have to do, especially with where we are at the moment, a job is so hard to come by. So try and hang in there for a little bit longer, it will come, pinky promise!





I talk the way I write, I write the way I talk, I talk the way I walk, I walk the way I talk